Redmi 1S updated to Global Stable JHCMIBL 56.0 !! Download the Recovery and Fastboot ROM (India Specific).
Download Redmi 1S Global Stable JHCMIBL 56.0 Recovery and Fastboot ROM (India Specific).

Hey MIUIers,
Here is the Global Recovery ROM and India specific fastboot ROM of Redmi 1S(WCDMA) latest MIUI version, JHCMIBL 56.0. Before Updating make sure your battery is 60% atleast and take back up from settings--> Additional Settings--> Back up and reset--> local back up- Back up. If you flashing by fastboot method take manual back up.
Steps to take Manual Back up.
Settings-->Additional Settings--> Backup & reset -->Local Bakcup-->Backup
Recovery ROM
Fastboot ROM (India Specific)
Changelog :
Optimization - Support logging in with Google account when first setting up the phone (03-05)
Fix - Sometimes, pressing back button did not work when viewing images (04-20)
Hey MIUIers,
Here is the Global Recovery ROM and India specific fastboot ROM of Redmi 1S(WCDMA) latest MIUI version, JHCMIBL 56.0. Before Updating make sure your battery is 60% atleast and take back up from settings--> Additional Settings--> Back up and reset--> local back up- Back up. If you flashing by fastboot method take manual back up.
Steps to take Manual Back up.
Settings-->Additional Settings--> Backup & reset -->Local Bakcup-->Backup
- Backup file will be created in : Internal Storage-->MIUI -> Backup-->All Back up
- Copy this back up file on your PC or on OTG support
- After flashing Copy the back up file from PC or OTG support respectively to: Internal Storage-->MIUI -> Backup-->All Back up
- Then go to Settings-->Additional Settings--> Backup & reset -->Local Bakcup--> You will find the backup file -->Tap on it to restore
Recovery ROM
Fastboot ROM (India Specific)
Changelog :
Redmi 1S Stable Version (Global) JHCMIBL56.0 Changelog
Optimization - Support logging in with Google account when first setting up the phone (03-05)
Fix - Sometimes, pressing back button did not work when viewing images (04-20)
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